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Extending Diffraxยค

It's completely possible to extend Diffrax with your own custom solvers, step size controllers, and so on.

The main points of extension are as follows:

  • Custom solvers should inherit from diffrax.AbstractSolver.

    • If you are making a new Runge--Kutta method then this is particularly easy; you can use the existing base classes Diffrax already uses for its own Runge--Kutta methods, and supply them with an appropriate diffrax.ButcherTableau.
      • For explicit-Runge--Kutta methods (ERK) then inherit from diffrax.AbstractERK.
      • For general diagonal-implicit-Runge--Kutta methods (DIRK) then inherit from diffrax.AbstractDIRK.
      • For singly-diagonal-implicit-Runge--Kutta methods (SDIRK) then inherit from diffrax.AbstractSDIRK.
      • For explicit-singly-diagonal-implicit-Runge--Kutta methods (ESDIRK) then inherit from diffrax.AbstractESDIRK.
    • Several abstract base classes are available to specify the behaviour of the solver:
      • diffrax.AbstractImplicitSolver are those solvers that solve implicit problems (and therefore take a root_finder argument).
      • diffrax.AbstractAdaptiveSolver are those solvers capable of providing error estimates (and thus can be used with adaptive step size controllers).
      • diffrax.AbstractItoSolver and diffrax.AbstractStratonovichSolver are used to specify which SDE solution a particular solver is known to converge to.
      • diffrax.AbstractWrappedSolver indicates that the solver is used to wrap another solver, and so e.g. it will be treated as an implicit solver/etc. if the wrapped solver is also an implicit solver/etc.
  • Custom step size controllers should inherit from diffrax.AbstractStepSizeController.

    • The abstract base class diffrax.AbstractAdaptiveStepSizeController can be used to specify that this controller uses error estimates to adapt step sizes.
  • Custom Brownian motion simulations should inherit from diffrax.AbstractBrownianPath.

  • Custom controls (e.g. custom interpolation schemes analogous to diffrax.CubicInterpolation) should inherit from diffrax.AbstractPath.

  • Custom terms should inherit from diffrax.AbstractTerm.

    • For example, if the vector field - control interaction is a matrix-vector product, but the matrix is known to have special structure, then you may wish to create a custom term that can calculate this interaction more efficiently than is given by a full matrix-vector product. Given the large suite of linear operators lineax implements (which are fully supported by diffrax.ControlTerm), this is likely rarely necessary.

In each case we recommend looking up existing solvers/etc. in Diffrax to understand how to implement them.


If you implement a technique that you'd like to see merged into the main Diffrax library then open a pull request on GitHub. We're very happy to take contributions.