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Predictors for Diagonal Implicit Runge--Kutta (DIRK) methods¤


Each stage of a diagonal implicit RK method involves solving (via Newton iterations) a nonlinear system

\(f_i = f(y_0 + \sum_{j=1}^i a_{ij} f_j Δt)\)

for \(i = 1, \ldots, s\).

How do we initialise our guess for \(f_i\)? Given the information available to us at each stage, a natural choice is to take some linear combination of the \(f_j\) already available to us. (This feels a bit like using an explicit RK (ERK) method, although we don't use \(y_0\) and don't make any extra function evaluations.)

Making a good choice of predictor is important, and can have a strong impact on whether the Newton solver converges. One anecdotal example: for a particular stiff ODE, naively always predicting \(f_i=0\) meant the Kvaerno5 solver could solve about 34% of initial conditions. (And otherwise failures of the Newton solver, even over adaptively-chosen small timesteps, meant that the ODE could not be resolved in a timely manner.) Switching to a linear-combination-predictor increased this dramatically, to 98% of initial conditions studied.

What is an appropriate choice of linear combination? This is something that seems to have frequently been left out of the literature, e.g.:

  • Kvaerno's paper presents only the implicit tableaus.
  • Hairer and Wanner only seems to discuss predictors for fully-implicit RK (FIRK) methods (by polynomially interpolating the stages of the previous step).
  • Mistakes are made in practice, e.g. OrdinaryDiffEq.jl use zero as the predictor for a second stage of an ESDIRK method -- when it would make sense to at least use the result of the first stage.

As a result, an additional part of each DIRK method's Butcher tableau is some collection of values \(α_{ij}\) for \(i > j\). At each stage we will initialise

\(f_i = \sum_{j = 1}^{i-1} α_{ij} f_j\)

as our prediction for the nonlinear system. Looking at this, it is natural to require that

\(1 = \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} α_{ij}\).

[The value \(f_i\) is likely close to each value of \(f_j\); we have no reason to suppose that it is e.g. half their values.]


Now, this implies that the choice of \(α_{ij}\) is actually quite constrained.

First stage¤

First, note that the entire discussion above only applies to the second stage and beyond. For the first stage, we don't have access to any \(f_j\).

  • If the method satifies the FSAL property then we don't care: we already have \(f_1 = f(y_0)\) because we got it from the previous step.
  • If the method has an explicit first stage (as with ESDIRK methods) then we also don't care: we're just going to make an explicit step anyway.
  • If the method has an implicit first stage (and necessarily fails the FSAL property) then we're out of luck. Bite the bullet, make an extra function evaluation, and evaluate \(f(y_0)\) as an estimate for \(f_1\). [Although perhaps something could be cooked up using the evaluations of the previous step?]

Second stage¤

For the second stage: our sum-to-1 property means that we necessarily have \(1 = α_{21}\). [This was the mistake made in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, above: they just take this value to be zero.]

Third stage¤

For the third stage: the sum-to-1 property means that we have \(1 = α_{31} + α_{32}\). Now we only have two values \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) available to us, so there's not a lot we can do other than assume that \(t \mapsto f(y(t))\) is locally linear, and extrapolate. Letting \(F(t) = ζt + η\) be this local linear approximation, we have \(F(c_1 Δt) = f_1\) and \(F(c_2 Δt) = f_2\), giving

\(F(c_3 Δt) = f_2 + (f_2 - f_1) (c_3 - c_2) / (c_2 - c_1)\)

and thus \(α_{31} = (c_2 - c_3) / (c_2 - c_1)\) and \(α_{32} = (c_3 - c_1) / (c_2 - c_1)\).

These may be negative: for example given an explicit first stage (\(c_1 = 0\)) then necessarily \(α_{31} < 0\).

Higher stages¤

For higher stages: now things start to get a bit more interesting / unexplored. One reasonable choice is to fit a higher-order polynomial to \(t \mapsto f(y(t))\). Another reasonable choice is to keep using a linear approximation, using your two favourite stages from before. A final choice is to take \(α_{ij} = a_{(i-1)j}\), although this is only appropriate for those stages for which \(1 = \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} a_{(i-1)j}\); this typically true of the last few stages (which often have \(\sum_{j=1}^i a_{ij} = c_i = 1\)).

At time of writing (and to the best of my knowledge), the best choice for higher stages isn't really known.

See also¤

See also here (along with other similar examples in that file) who derive predictors using polynomial interpolations.

  • Any time they reference "Hermite" they actually obtain the result given by the procedure we describe for the third stage.
  • For their higher-order interpolations it's not 100% clear what they're doing. They appear to be extrapolating the solution \(y\) rather than the vector field \(f\), which is bit a confusing. (Their implementation still solves the nonlinear system for \(f_i = f(y_i)\), rather than the equivalent nonlinear system for \(y_i\).) Should follow up on this.


This document isn't meant to be authoritative, and I'd welcome any comments.