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A Wadler–Lindig ✨pretty-printer✨ for Python¤

This library is for you if you need:

  • Something like the built-in pprint.pprint, but which consumes less horizontal space. For example in error messages.
  • If you have complicated custom types that you'd like to create pretty well-formatted reprs for. For example nested trees of dataclasses / PyTorch modules / etc.

Main features:

  • Absolutely tiny implementation (77 lines of code for the main Wadler–Lindig algorithm, 223 more for teaching it how to handle all Python types).
  • Simpler than the original algorithm by Wadler & Lindig (removes some dead code).
  • Supports multi-line unbroken text strings.
  • Supports ANSI escape codes and colours.
  • Zero dependencies.


pip install wadler_lindig


import dataclasses
import numpy as np
import wadler_lindig as wl

class MyDataclass:
    x: list[str]
    y: np.ndarray

obj = MyDataclass(["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor sit amet"], np.zeros((2, 3)))

wl.pprint(obj, width=30, indent=4)
# MyDataclass(
#     x=[
#         'lorem',
#         'ipsum',
#         'dolor sit amet'
#     ],
#     y=f64[2,3](numpy)
# )

Next steps¤

Go to the getting started tutorial for a demonstration of how to create beautiful string representations of all Python types!


The main reference for the Wadler–Lindig algorithm is Lindig's paper available here.