Fixed points¤
optimistix.fixed_point(fn: Callable[[~Y, Any], tuple[~Y, ~Aux]] | Callable[[~Y, Any], ~Y], solver: optimistix.AbstractFixedPointSolver | optimistix.AbstractRootFinder | optimistix.AbstractLeastSquaresSolver | optimistix.AbstractMinimiser, y0: ~Y, args: PyTree[Any] = None, options: dict[str, Any] | None = None, *, has_aux: bool = False, max_steps: int | None = 256, adjoint: optimistix.AbstractAdjoint = ImplicitAdjoint(), throw: bool = True, tags: frozenset[object] = frozenset({})) -> optimistix.Solution[~Y, ~Aux]
Find a fixed-point of a function.
Given a nonlinear function fn(y, args)
which returns a pytree of arrays of the
same shape as y
, this returns the value z
such that fn(z, args) = z
: The function to find the fixed-point of. This should take two argumentsfn(y, args)
, and return a pytree of arrays of the same shape as the inputy
: The root-finder to use. This can be either anoptimistix.AbstractFixedPointSolver
, oroptimistix.AbstractLeastSquaresSolver
, oroptimistix.AbstractMinimiser
. Ifsolver
is a root-finder then it will will attempt to find the root offn(y, args) - y
. Ifsolver
is a least-squares or minimisation algorithm, then it will attempt to minimisesum((fn(y, args) - y)^2)
: An initial guess for whaty
may be. Used to start the iterative process of finding the fixed point; using good initial guesses is often important.args
: Passed as theargs
offn(y, args)
: Individual solvers may accept additional runtime arguments. See each individual solver's documentation for more details.has_aux
: IfTrue
, thenfn
may return a pair, where the first element is its function value, and the second is just auxiliary data. Keyword only argument.max_steps
: The maximum number of steps the solver can take. Keyword only argument.adjoint
: The adjoint method used to compute gradients through the fixed-point solve. Keyword only argument.throw
: How to report any failures. (E.g. an iterative solver running out of steps, or encountering divergent iterates.) IfTrue
then a failure will raise an error. IfFalse
then the returned solution object will have aresult
field indicating whether any failures occured. (Seeoptimistix.Solution
.) Keyword only argument.tags
: Lineax tags describing any structure of the Jacobian ofy -> fn(y, args) - y
with respect to y. (That is, the structure of the matrixdfn/dy - I
.) Used withoptimistix.ImplicitAdjoint
to implement the implicit function theorem as efficiently as possible. Keyword only argument.
An optimistix.Solution
supports any of the following fixed-point solvers.
In addition to the solvers listed here, any root finder may also be used as the solver
. This is because finding the fixed point x
for which f(x) = x
, can also be accomplished by finding the root x
for which f(x) - x = 0
. If you pass in a root finder, then Optimistix will automatically rewrite your problem to treat it in this way.
Likewise, any least squares solver or minimiser may also be used as the solver
. This is because finding the root x
for which f(x) = x
can also be accomplished by finding the value x
for which sum((f(x) - x)^2)
is minimised. If you pass in a least squares solver or minimiser, then Optimistix will automatically rewrite your problem to treat it in this way.
Abstract base class for all fixed point solvers.
init(fn: Callable[[~Y, Any], tuple[~Out, ~Aux]], y: ~Y, args: PyTree, options: dict[str, Any], f_struct: PyTree[jax._src.api.ShapeDtypeStruct], aux_struct: PyTree[jax._src.api.ShapeDtypeStruct], tags: frozenset[object]) -> ~SolverState
Perform all initial computation needed to initialise the solver state.
For example, the optimistix.Chord
method computes the Jacobian df/dy
with respect to the initial guess y
, and then uses it throughout the
: The function to iterate over. This is expected to take two argumetnsfn(y, args)
and return a pytree of arrays in the first element, and any auxiliary data in the second argument.y
: The value ofy
at the current (first) iteration.args
: Passed as theargs
offn(y, args)
: Individual solvers may accept additional runtime arguments. See each individual solver's documentation for more details.f_struct
: A pytree ofjax.ShapeDtypeStruct
s of the same shape as the output offn
. This is used to initialise any information in the state which may rely on the pytree structure, array shapes, or dtype of the output offn
: A pytree ofjax.ShapeDtypeStruct
s of the same shape as the auxiliary data returned byfn
: exact meaning depends on whether this is a fixed point, root find, least squares, or minimisation problem; see their relevant entry points.
A PyTree representing the initial state of the solver.
step(fn: Callable[[~Y, Any], tuple[~Out, ~Aux]], y: ~Y, args: PyTree, options: dict[str, Any], state: ~SolverState, tags: frozenset[object]) -> tuple[~Y, ~SolverState, ~Aux]
Perform one step of the iterative solve.
: The function to iterate over. This is expected to take two argumetnsfn(y, args)
and return a pytree of arrays in the first element, and any auxiliary data in the second argument.y
: The value ofy
at the current (first) iteration.args
: Passed as theargs
offn(y, args)
: Individual solvers may accept additional runtime arguments. See each individual solver's documentation for more details.state
: A pytree representing the state of a solver. The shape of this pytree is solver-dependent.tags
: exact meaning depends on whether this is a fixed point, root find, least squares, or minimisation problem; see their relevant entry points.
A 3-tuple containing the new y
value in the first element, the next solver
state in the second element, and the aux output of fn(y, args)
in the third
terminate(fn: Callable[[~Y, Any], tuple[~Out, ~Aux]], y: ~Y, args: PyTree, options: dict[str, Any], state: ~SolverState, tags: frozenset[object]) -> tuple[Bool[Array, ''], optimistix.RESULTS]
Determine whether or not to stop the iterative solve.
: The function to iterate over. This is expected to take two argumetnsfn(y, args)
and return a pytree of arrays in the first element, and any auxiliary data in the second argument.y
: The value ofy
at the current iteration.args
: Passed as theargs
offn(y, args)
: Individual solvers may accept additional runtime arguments. See each individual solver's documentation for more details.state
: A pytree representing the state of a solver. The shape of this pytree is solver-dependent.tags
: exact meaning depends on whether this is a fixed point, root find, least squares, or minimisation problem; see their relevant entry points.
A 2-tuple containing a bool indicating whether or not to stop iterating in the
first element, and an optimistix.RESULTS
object in the second element.
postprocess(fn: Callable[[~Y, Any], tuple[~Out, ~Aux]], y: ~Y, aux: ~Aux, args: PyTree, options: dict[str, Any], state: ~SolverState, tags: frozenset[object], result: optimistix.RESULTS) -> tuple[~Y, ~Aux, dict[str, Any]]
Any final postprocessing to perform on the result of the solve.
: The function to iterate over. This is expected to take two argumetnsfn(y, args)
and return a pytree of arrays in the first element, and any auxiliary data in the second argument.y
: The value ofy
at the last iteration.aux
: The auxiliary output at the last iteration.args
: Passed as theargs
offn(y, args)
: Individual solvers may accept additional runtime arguments. See each individual solver's documentation for more details.state
: A pytree representing the final state of a solver. The shape of this pytree is solver-dependent.tags
: exact meaning depends on whether this is a fixed point, root find, least squares, or minimisation problem; see their relevant entry points.result
: as returned by the final call toterminate
A 3-tuple of:
: the finaly
to return as the solution of the solve.final_aux
: the finalaux
to return as the auxiliary output of the solve.stats
: any additional information to place in thesol.stats
Most solvers will not need to use this, so that this method may be defined as:
def postprocess(self, fn, y, aux, args, options, state, tags, result):
return y, aux, {}
Repeatedly calls a function in search of a fixed point.
This is one of the simplest ways to find a fixed point y
of f
: simply
repeatedly call y_{n+1}=f(y_n)
until y_n
stops changing.
Note that this is often not a very effective method, and root-finding algorithms are frequently preferred in practice.
__init__(rtol: float, atol: float, norm: Callable[[PyTree], Shaped[Array, '']] = <function max_norm>)
: Relative tolerance for terminating the solve.atol
: Absolute tolerance for terminating the solve.norm
: The norm used to determine the difference between two iterates in the convergence criteria. Should be any functionPyTree -> Scalar
. Optimistix includes three built-in norms:optimistix.max_norm
, andoptimistix.two_norm
Wraps another fixed-point solver, to return the best-so-far value. That is, it
makes a copy of the best y
seen, and returns that.
__init__(solver: optimistix.AbstractFixedPointSolver[~Y, tuple[~Y, ~Aux], Any])
: the fixed-point solver to wrap.