These offer an alternate (easier to use) API for JAX transformations.
For example, JAX uses jax.jit(..., static_argnums=...)
to manually indicate which arguments should be treated dynamically/statically. Meanwhile equinox.filter_jit
automatically treats all JAX/NumPy arrays dynamically, and everything else statically. Moreover, this is done at the level of individual PyTree leaves, so that unlike jax.jit
, one argument can have both dynamic (array-valued) and static leaves.
Most users find that this is a simpler API when working with complicated PyTrees, such as are produced when using Equinox modules. But you can also still use Equinox with normal jax.jit
etc. if you so prefer.
Just-in-time compilation¤
equinox.filter_jit(fun=sentinel, *, donate: Literal['all', 'all-except-first', 'warn', 'warn-except-first', 'none'] = 'none')
An easier-to-use version of jax.jit
. All JAX and NumPy arrays are traced, and
all other types are held static.
is a pure function to JIT compile.donate
indicates whether the buffers of JAX arrays are donated or not. It should either be:'all'
: donate all arrays and suppress all warnings about unused buffers;'all-except-first'
: donate all arrays except for those in the first argument, and suppress all warnings about unused buffers;'warn'
: as above, but don't suppress unused buffer warnings;'warn-except-first'
: as above, but don't suppress unused buffer warnings;'none'
: no buffer donation. (This the default.)
The JIT'd version of fun
# Basic behaviour
def f(x, y): # both args traced if arrays, static if non-arrays
return x + y, x - y
f(jnp.array(1), jnp.array(2)) # both args traced
f(jnp.array(1), 2) # first arg traced, second arg static
f(1, 2) # both args static
Donating arguments allows their underlying memory to be used in the computation. This can produce speed and memory improvements, but means that you cannot use any donated arguments again, as their underlying memory has been overwritten. (JAX will throw an error if you try to.)
If you want to trace Python bool
as well then you
can do this by wrapping them into a JAX array: jnp.asarray(x)
If you want to donate only some arguments then this can be done by setting
and then passing all arguments that you
don't want to donate through the first argument. (Packing multiple values into
a tuple if necessary.)
equinox.filter_make_jaxpr(fun: Callable[~_P, Any]) -> Callable[~_P, tuple[jax.extend.core.ClosedJaxpr, PyTree[jax.ShapeDtypeStruct], PyTree[Any]]]
As jax.make_jaxpr
, but accepts arbitrary PyTrees as input and output.
: The functionfun(*arg, **kwargs)
whose jaxpr is to be computed. Its positional and keyword arguments may be anything, as can its return value.
A wrapped version of fun
, that when applied to example arguments
*args, **kwargs
, will return a 3-tuple of:
- A
representing the evaluation of that function on those arguments. - A
representing the output shape and dtype of the result. - A
representing any non-array outputs fromfun
The example arguments to be traced may be anything with .shape
and .dtype
fields (typically JAX arrays, NumPy arrays, of jax.ShapeDtypeStruct
s). All
other arguments are treated statically. In particular, Python builtins (bool
, float
, complex
) are treated as static inputs; wrap them in JAX/NumPy
arrays if you would like them to be traced.
equinox.filter_eval_shape(fun: Callable[..., Any], *args, **kwargs) -> PyTree[jax.ShapeDtypeStruct | Any]
As jax.eval_shape
, but allows any Python object as inputs and outputs.
is constrained to only work with JAX arrays, Python
equinox.filter_shard(x: PyTree[Any], device_or_shardings: jaxlib.xla_extension.Device | jaxlib.xla_extension.Sharding)
Filtered transform combining jax.lax.with_sharding_constraint
and jax.device_put
Enforces sharding within a JIT'd computation (That is, how an array is
split between multiple devices, i.e. multiple GPUs/TPUs.), or moves x
a device.
: A PyTree, with potentially a mix of arrays and non-arrays on the leaves. They will have their shardings constrained.device_or_shardings
: Either a singular device (e.g. CPU or GPU) or PyTree of sharding specifications. The structure should be a prefix ofx
A copy of x
with the specified sharding constraints.
See also the autoparallelism example.
Automatic differentiation¤
equinox.filter_grad(fun=sentinel, *, has_aux: bool = False)
Creates a function that computes the gradient of fun
The gradient will be computed with respect to all floating-point JAX/NumPy arrays in the first argument. (Which should be a PyTree.)
Any nondifferentiable leaves in the first argument will have None
as the gradient.
is a pure function to differentiate.has_aux
: ifTrue
should return a pair; the first element is the output to be differentiated and the second element is auxiliary data.
A function with the same arguments as fun
, that computes the derivative of fun
with respect to its first input. Any nondifferentiable leaves will have None
the gradient.
If has_aux
is True
then a pair (gradient, aux)
is returned. If has_aux
then just the gradient
is returned.
If you need to differentiate multiple objects, then put them together into a tuple and pass that through the first argument:
# We want to differentiate `func` with respect to both `x` and `y`.
def func(x, y):
def grad_func(x__y):
x, y = x__y
return func(x, y)
See also equinox.apply_updates
for a convenience function that applies
gradient updates to a model.
equinox.filter_value_and_grad(fun=sentinel, *, has_aux: bool = False) -> Callable
Creates a function that evaluates both fun
and the gradient of fun
The gradient will be computed with respect to all floating-point JAX/NumPy arrays in the first argument. (Which should be a PyTree.)
Any nondifferentiable leaves in the first argument will have None
as the gradient.
is a pure function to differentiate.has_aux
: ifTrue
should return a pair; the first element is the output to be differentiated and the second element is auxiliary data.
A function with the same arguments as fun
, that evaluates both fun
and computes
the derivative of fun
with respect to its first input. Any nondifferentiable
leaves will have None
as the gradient.
If has_aux
is True
then a nested tuple ((value, aux), gradient)
is returned.
If has_aux
is False
then the pair (value, gradient)
is returned.
equinox.filter_jvp(fn: Callable[..., ~_T], primals: Sequence, tangents: Sequence, **kwargs) -> tuple[~_T, PyTree]
Like jax.jvp
, but accepts arbitrary PyTrees. (Not just JAXable types.)
In the following, an "inexact arraylike" refers to either a floating-point JAX
array, or a complex JAX array, or a Python float
, or a Python complex
. These are
the types which JAX considers to be differentiable.
: Function to be differentiated. Its arguments can be Python objects, and its return type can be any Python object.primals
: The primal values at whichfn
should be evaluated. Should be a sequence of arguments, and its length should be equal to the number of positional parameters offn
: The tangent vector for which the Jacobian-vector product should be calculated. Should be a PyTree with the same structure asprimals
. The leaves oftangents
must either be inexact arraylikes, or they can beNone
s are used to indicate (symbolic) zero tangents; in particular these must be passed for all primals that are not inexact arraylikes. (AndNone
can also be passed for any inexact arraylike primals too.)**kwargs
: Any keyword arguments to pass tofn
. These are not differentiated.
A pair (primals_out, tangents_out)
is returned,
where primals_out = fn(*primals)
and tangents_out
is the Jacobian-vector
product of fn
evaluated at primals
with tangents
The tangents_out
has the same structure as primals_out
, but has None
any leaves with symbolic zero derivative. (Either because they're not
differentiable -- i.e. they're not a floating-point JAX array or Python float
or because they have no dependence on any input with non-symbolic-zero tangent.)
Unlike jax.jvp
, this function does not support a has_aux
argument. It isn't
needed, as unlike jax.jvp
the output of this function can be of arbitrary
equinox.filter_vjp(fun, *primals, has_aux: bool = False)
Like jax.vjp
, but accepts arbitrary PyTrees. (Not just JAXable types.)
: The function to be differentiated. Will be called asfun(*primals)
. Can return an arbitrary PyTree.primals
: The arguments at whichfun
will be evaluated and differentiated. Can be arbitrary PyTrees.has_aux
: Indicates whetherfun
returns a pair, with the first element the output to be differentiated, and the latter auxiliary data. Defaults toFalse
If has_aux is False
then returns a (primals_out, vjpfun)
pair, where
primals_out = fun(*primals)
and vjpfun
is a function from a cotangent vector
with the same shape as primals_out
to a tuple of cotangent vectors with the same
shape as primals
, representing the vector-Jacobian product of fun
evaluated at
If has_aux is True
then returns a tuple (primals_out, vjpfun, aux)
, where aux
is the auxiliary data returned from fun
The cotangent passed to vjpfun
should have arrays corresponding to all
floating-point arrays in primals_out
, and None
for all other PyTree leaves. The
cotangents returned from vjpfun
will likewise have arrays for all primals
are floating-point arrays, and None
for all other PyTree leaves.
equinox.filter_jacfwd(fun, has_aux: bool = False)
Computes the Jacobian of fun
, evaluated using forward-mode AD. The inputs and
outputs may be arbitrary PyTrees.
: The function to be differentiated.has_aux
: Indicates whetherfun
returns a pair, with the first element the output to be differentiated, and the latter auxiliary data. Defaults toFalse
A function with the same arguments as fun
The outputs of fun
must be jax types, the filtering is only applied
to the input not the output.
If has_aux is False
then this function returns just the Jacobian of fun
respect to its first argument.
If has_aux is True
then it returns a pair (jacobian, aux)
, where aux
is the
auxiliary data returned from fun
equinox.filter_jacrev(fun, has_aux: bool = False)
Computes the Jacobian of fun
, evaluated using reverse-mode AD. The inputs and
outputs may be arbitrary PyTrees.
: The function to be differentiated.has_aux
: Indicates whetherfun
returns a pair, with the first element the output to be differentiated, and the latter auxiliary data. Defaults toFalse
A function with the same arguments as fun
The outputs of fun
must be jax types, the filtering is only applied
to the input not the output.
If has_aux is False
then this function returns just the Jacobian of fun
respect to its first argument.
If has_aux is True
then it returns a pair (jacobian, aux)
, where aux
is the
auxiliary data returned from fun
equinox.filter_hessian(fun, has_aux: bool = False)
Computes the Hessian of fun
. The inputs and outputs may be arbitrary PyTrees.
: The function to be differentiated.
A function with the same arguments as fun
The outputs of fun
must be jax types, the filtering is only applied
to the input not the output.
If has_aux is False
then this function returns just the Hessian of fun
respect to its first argument.
If has_aux is True
then it returns a pair (hessian, aux)
, where aux
is the
auxiliary data returned from fun
Filtered version of jax.custom_jvp
Works in the same way as jax.custom_jvp
, except that you do not need to specify
. Instead, arguments are automatically split into differentiable
and nondifferentiable. (Everything that is not a floating-point array is necessarily
nondifferentiable. In addition, some floating-point arrays may happen not to have
been differentiated.)
The tangents of the nondifferentiable arguments will be passed as None
The return types must still all be JAX types.
Supports keyword arguments, which are always treated as nondifferentiable.
def call(x, y, *, fn):
return fn(x, y)
def call_jvp(primals, tangents, *, fn):
x, y = primals
tx, ty = tangents
# `y` is not differentiated below, so it has a symbolic zero tangent,
# represented as a `None`.
assert ty is None
primal_out = call(x, y, fn=fn)
tangent_out = 2 * tx
return primal_out, tangent_out
x = jnp.array(2.0)
y = jnp.array(2.0)
fn = lambda a, b: a + b
# This only computes gradients for the first argument `x`.
equinox.filter_grad(call)(x, y, fn=fn)
As jax.custom_vjp
, but with a nicer interface.
Usage is:
def fn(vjp_arg, *args, **kwargs):
# `vjp_arg` is some PyTree of arbitrary Python objects.
# `args`, `kwargs` contain arbitrary Python objects.
return out # some PyTree of arbitrary Python objects.
def fn_fwd(perturbed, vjp_arg, *args, **kwargs):
# `perturbed` is a pytree with the same structure as `vjp_arg`. Every leaf is
# either `True` or `False`, indicating whether that leaf is being
# differentiated. (All leaves that are not floating-point arrays will
# necessarily have `False`. Some floating-point arrays might happen not to be
# differentiated either.)
# Should return `out` as before. `residuals` can be any collection of JAX
# arrays you want to keep around for the backward pass.
return out, residuals
def fn_bwd(residuals, grad_obj, perturbed, vjp_arg, *args, **kwargs):
# `grad_obj` will have `None` as the gradient for any leaves of `out` that were
# not differentiated.
# `grad_vjp_arg` should be a pytree with the same structure as `vjp_arg`.
# It can have `None` leaves to indicate that that argument has zero gradient.
# (E.g. if the leaf was not a JAX array.)
return grad_vjp_arg
The key differences to jax.custom_vjp
are that:
- Only the gradient of the first argument,
, should be computed on the backward pass. Everything else will automatically have zero gradient. - You do not need to distinguish differentiable from nondifferentiable manually.
Instead you should return gradients for all perturbed arrays in the first
argument. (And just put
on every other leaf of the PyTree.) - As a convenience, all of the inputs from the forward pass are additionally made available to you on the backward pass.
- As a convenience, you can declare forward and backward passes using
, rather than a singledefvjp
as in core JAX.
If you need gradients with respect to multiple arguments, then just pack them
together as a tuple via the first argument vjp_arg
. (See also
for a similar trick.)
equinox.filter_checkpoint(fun: Callable[~_P, ~_T] = sentinel, *, prevent_cse: bool = True, policy: Callable[..., bool] | None = None) -> Callable[~_P, ~_T]
Filtered version of jax.checkpoint
Gradient checkpointing is a technique for reducing memory usage during
backpropagation, especially when used with reverse mode automatic differentiation
(e.g., jax.grad
or equinox.filter_grad
: The function to be checkpointed. Will be called asfun(*args, **kwargs)
. Can return an arbitrary PyTree.prevent_cse
: IfTrue
(the default), then JAX will not perform common subexpression elimination. Please see the documentation forjax.checkpoint
for more details.policy
: Callable for controlling which intermediate values should be rematerialized. It should be one of the attributes ofjax.checkpoint_policies
equinox.filter_closure_convert(fn: Callable[~_P, ~_T], *args, **kwargs) -> Callable[~_P, ~_T]
As jax.closure_convert
, but works on functions accepting and returning
arbitrary PyTree objects. In addition, all JAX arrays are hoisted into constants
(not just floating point arrays).
This is useful for explicitly capturing any closed-over JAX tracers
before crossing an API boundary, such as jax.grad
, jax.custom_vjp
, or the
rule of a custom primitive.
: The function to call. Will be called asfun(*args, **kwargs)
: Example arguments at which to call the function. The function is not actually evaluated on these arguments; all JAX arrays are substituted for tracers. Note that Python builtins (bool
) are not substituted for tracers and are passed through as-is.
A new function, which can be called in the same way, using *args
and **kwargs
Will contain all closed-over tracers of fn
as part of its PyTree structure.
def f(x, y):
z = x + y
g = lambda a: z + a # closes over z
g2 = filter_closure_convert(g, 1)
assert [id(b) for b in g2.consts] == [id(z)]
return z
f(1., 1.)
Vectorisation and parallelisation¤
equinox.filter_vmap(fun=sentinel, *, in_axes: PyTree[int | None | Callable[[Any], int | None]] = if_array(axis=0), out_axes: PyTree[int | None | Callable[[Any], int | None]] = if_array(axis=0), axis_name: Hashable = None, axis_size: int | None = None)
Vectorises a function. By default, all JAX/NumPy arrays are vectorised down their leading axis (i.e. axis index 0), and all other types are broadcast.
For both in_axes
and out_axes
, then int
indicates an array axis to vectorise
over, None
indicates that an argument should be broadcast (not vectorised
over), and callables Leaf -> Union[None, int]
are mapped and evaluated on every
leaf of their subtree. None
should be used for non-JAX-array arguments.
is a pure function to vectorise. Should be of the formfun(*args)
; that is to say it cannot accept keyword arguments.in_axes
indicates which axes of the input arrays should be vectorised over. It should be a PyTree ofNone
, or callablesLeaf -> Union[None, int]
. Its tree structure should either be:- a prefix of the input tuple of
. - a dictionary, in which case the named arguments use the specified indices
to vectorise over, and all other arguments will have the default
- a prefix of the input tuple of
indicates which axis of the output arrays the mapped axis should appear at. It should be a PyTree ofNone
, or callablesLeaf -> Union[None, int]
, and its tree structure should be a prefix of the outputfun(*args)
is an optional hashable Python object used to identify the mapped axis so that parallel collectives (e.g.jax.lax.psum
) can be applied.axis_size
is an optionalint
describing the size of the axis mapped. This only needs to be passed if none of the input arguments are vectorised, as else it can be deduced by looking at the argument shapes.
The vectorised version of fun
To vectorise all JAX/NumPy arrays down their j
th axis, and broadcast all other
types, then you can use equinox.if_array(j)
, which returns a callable
leaf -> j if is_array(leaf) else None
. For example: the default values of
and out_axes
are both equinox.if_array(0)
import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
def f(x, y):
return x + y
@eqx.filter_vmap(in_axes=(None, 1))
def g(x, y):
return x + y
f(jnp.array([1, 2]), jnp.array([3, 4])) # both args vectorised down axis 0
f(jnp.array([1, 2]), 3) # first arg vectorised down axis 0
# second arg broadcasted
g(jnp.array(1), jnp.array([[2, 3]])) # first arg broadcasted
# second arg vectorised down axis 1
can be used to easily create ensembles of models. For example,
here's an ensemble of eight MLPs:
import equinox as eqx
import jax.random as jr
key = jr.PRNGKey(0)
keys = jr.split(key, 8)
# Create an ensemble of models
def make_ensemble(key):
return eqx.nn.MLP(2, 2, 2, 2, key=key)
mlp_ensemble = make_ensemble(keys)
# Evaluate each member of the ensemble on the same data
@eqx.filter_vmap(in_axes=(eqx.if_array(0), None))
def evaluate_ensemble(model, x):
return model(x)
evaluate_ensemble(mlp_ensemble, jr.normal(key, (2,)))
# Evaluate each member of the ensemble on different data
def evaluate_per_ensemble(model, x):
return model(x)
evaluate_per_ensemble(mlp_ensemble, jr.normal(key, (8, 2)))
Here, make_ensemble
works because equinox.nn.MLP
is a PyTree, and so it
is a valid output from a filter_vmap
. This PyTree includes some JAX arrays
(the weights and biases) and some non-JAX-arrays (e.g. activation functions).
will vectorise the JAX arrays (with separate weights for each
member of the ensemble) whilst leaving the non-JAX-arrays alone.
Note that as the weights in mlp_ensemble
now have a leading batch dimension
-- that the weights of eqx.nn.MLP
instances do not typically have -- then it
cannot be called directly. It must instead be passed back into a vectorised
region to be called.
equinox.filter_pmap(fun=sentinel, *, in_axes: PyTree[int | None | Callable[[Any], int | None]] = if_array(axis=0), out_axes: PyTree[int | None | Callable[[Any], int | None]] = if_array(axis=0), axis_name: Hashable = None, axis_size: int | None = None, donate: Literal['all', 'warn', 'none'] = 'none')
JAX has now added more powerful parallelism APIs directly to the JIT interface.
As such, using equinox.filter_jit
with sharded inputs is now recommended
over filter_pmap
. See also the
parallelism example.
Parallelises a function. By default, all JAX/NumPy arrays are parallelised down their leading axis (i.e. axis index 0), and all other types are broadcast.
, and thus equinox.filter_pmap
, also compiles their function in the same
way as jax.jit
. By default, all JAX arrays are traced, and all other arguments are
treated as static inputs.
For both in_axes
and out_axes
, then int
indicates an array axis to parallelise
over, None
indicates that an argument should be broadcast (not parallelise
over), and callables Leaf -> Union[None, int]
are mapped and evaluated on every
leaf of their subtree. None
should be used for non-JAX-array arguments.
is a pure function to parallelise. Should be of the formfun(*args)
; that is to say it cannot accept keyword arguments.in_axes
indicates which axes of the input arrays should be parallelised over. It should be a PyTree ofNone
, or callablesLeaf -> Union[None, int]
. Its tree structure should either be:- a prefix of the input tuple of
. - a dictionary, in which case the named arguments use the specified indices
to parallelise over, and all other arguments will have the default
- a prefix of the input tuple of
indicates which axis of the output arrays the mapped axis should appear at. It should be a PyTree ofNone
, or callablesLeaf -> Union[None, int]
, and its tree structure should be a prefix of the outputfun(*args)
is an optional hashable Python object used to identify the mapped axis so that parallel collectives (e.g.jax.lax.psum
) can be applied.axis_size
is an optionalint
describing the size of the axis mapped. This only needs to be passed if none of the input arguments are vectorised, as else it can be deduced by looking at the argument shapes.donate
indicates whether the buffers of JAX arrays are donated or not, it should either be:'all'
: donate all arrays and suppress all warnings about unused buffers;'warn'
: as above, but don't suppress unused buffer warnings;'none'
: the default, disables buffer donation.
The parallelised version of fun
To parallelise all JAX/NumPy arrays down their j
th axis, and broadcast all
other types, then you can use equinox.if_array(j)
, which returns a callable
leaf -> j if is_array(leaf) else None
. For example: the default values of
and out_axes
are both equinox.if_array(0)
import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
def f(x, y):
return x + y
@eqx.filter_pmap(in_axes=(None, 1))
def g(x, y):
return x + y
f(jnp.array([1, 2]), jnp.array([3, 4])) # both args parallelised down axis 0
f(jnp.array([1, 2]), 3) # first arg parallelised down axis 0
# second arg broadcasted (as it's not
# a JAX array)
g(jnp.array(1), jnp.array([[2, 3]])) # first arg broadcasted
# second arg parallelised down axis 1
equinox.filter_pure_callback(callback, *args, result_shape_dtypes, sharding=None, vmap_method=None, vectorized=None, **kwargs)
Calls a Python function inside a JIT region. As jax.pure_callback
but accepts
arbitrary Python objects as inputs and outputs. (Not just JAXable types.)
Note that unlike jax.pure_callback
, then the result_shape_dtypes
argument must
be passed as a keyword argument.
: The Python function to call.*args
: The function will be called ascallback(*args, **kwargs)
. These may be arbitrary Python objects.result_shape_dtypes
: A PyTree specifying the output ofcallback
. It should have ajax.ShapeDtypeStruct
in place of any JAX arrays. Note that unlikejax.pure_callback
, this must be passed as a keyword-only argument.sharding
: optional sharding that specifies the device from which the callback should be invoked.vmap_method
: these specify how the callback transforms undervmap()
as described in the documentation forjax.pure_callback
The result of callback(*args, **kwargs)
, valid for use under JIT.