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Sharing layers¤

equinox.nn.Shared(equinox.Module) ¤

Used to tie together multiple nodes across a PyTree.

Note that Equinox modules are PyTrees -- so the same layer, appearing in two difference parts of the tree, will be treated as two copies of this layer. For example,

class SubModel(eqx.Module):
    linear: eqx.nn.Linear

class Model(eqx.Module):
    linear: eqx.nn.Linear
    submodel: SubModel

    def __init__(self):
        linear = eqx.nn.Linear(...)
        self.linear = linear
        self.submodel = SubModel(linear)
is used to declare model.linear and model.submodel.linear as two separate layers. They will start with the same initial parameter values, and then update independently during training.

For when we really do want to share layers or weights across different parts of a model, then eqx.nn.Shared exists as a way to easily express this in the PyTree paradigm.


It is common in many language models to have an initial embedding matrix at the start, and then to reuse this as the weight of the final linear transformation.

import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jaxtyping import Array, Int

class LanguageModel(eqx.Module):
    shared: eqx.nn.Shared

    def __init__(self):
        embedding = eqx.nn.Embedding(...)
        linear = eqx.nn.Linear(...)
        # These two weights will now be tied together.
        where = lambda embed_and_lin: embed_and_lin[1].weight
        get = lambda embed_and_lin: embed_and_lin[0].weight
        self.shared = eqx.nn.Shared((embedding, linear), where, get)

    def __call__(self, tokens: Int[Array, "sequence"]):
        # Expand back out so we can evaluate these layers.
        embedding, linear = self.shared()
        assert embedding.weight is linear.weight  # same parameter!
        # Now go ahead and evaluate your language model.
        values = jax.vmap(embedding)(tokens)
        ...  # other layers, probably
        return jax.vmap(linear)(values)

(Side note: you will sometimes see some authors referring to transposing the embedding matrix prior to the final linear layer. This is because some other libraries store the weight matrices of linear layers the other way around. If that had been necessary here then we could have done it with get = lambda embed_and_lin: jnp.transpose(embed_and_lin[0].weight).)

__init__(pytree: PyTree, where: Callable, get: Callable) ¤


  • pytree: The PyTree to share some nodes across.
  • where: a function specifying either a single node, or a sequence of nodes, as with eqx.tree_at(where, pytree, ...).
  • get: a function, which when evaluated on pytree, returns either a single value (if where does), or a sequence of values (if where does, and in this case this must be a sequence of the same length as where).

The node(s) of get(pytree) and the corresponding value(s) of where(pytree) will be tied together.


To explain how this works. The implementation is just:

class Shared(eqx.Module):
    pytree: PyTree
    where: Callable
    get: Callable

    def __init__(self, pytree, where, get):
        # `0` is just some dummy value
        self.pytree = eqx.tree_at(where, pytree, replace_fn=lambda _: 0)
        self.where = where
        self.get = get

    def __call__(self):
        return eqx.tree_at(self.where, self.pytree, self.get(self.pytree))
so that at __init__ time, the duplicate nodes specified in where are removed from the PyTree. We no longer have a separate copy updating during training.

And then at __call__ time, references to the values returned by get(pytree) are put in their place. We end up with a pytree of the same structure as what we started with, which we can now use (evaluate as a layer etc.) as normal.


If you need to apply any transform (e.g. transposing a matrix), then this can be done as part of get. For example, get = lambda pair: jnp.transpose(pair[1].weight).

__call__() ¤




A PyTree of the same structure as the original pytree, with get(pytree) in the place of the nodes at where(pytree).