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Compilation is taking a long time.¤

  • Set dt0=<not None>, e.g. diffeqsolve(..., dt0=0.01). In contrast dt0=None will determine the initial step size automatically, but will increase compilation time.
  • Prefer SaveAt(t0=True, t1=True) over SaveAt(ts=[t0, t1]), if possible.
  • It's an internal (subject-to-change) API, but you can also try adding equinox.internal.noinline to your vector field (s), e.g. ODETerm(noinline(...)). This stages the vector field out into a separate compilation graph. This can greatly decrease compilation time whilst greatly increasing runtime.

The solve is taking loads of steps / I'm getting NaN gradients / other weird behaviour.¤

Try switching to 64-bit precision. (Instead of the 32-bit that is the default in JAX.) See here.

How does this compare to jax.experimental.ode.odeint?¤

The equivalent solver in Diffrax is:

    stepsize_controller=PIDController(rtol=1.4e-8, atol=1.4e-8),

In practice, diffrax.Tsit5 is usually a better solver than diffrax.Dopri5. And the default adjoint method (diffrax.RecursiveCheckpointAdjoint) is usually a better choice than diffrax.BacksolveAdjoint.

I'm getting a CustomVJPException.¤

This can happen if you use diffrax.BacksolveAdjoint incorrectly.

Gradients will be computed for:

  • Everything in the args PyTree passed to diffeqsolve(..., args=args);
  • Everything in the y0 PyTree passed to diffeqsolve(..., y0=y0).
  • Everything in the terms PyTree passed to diffeqsolve(terms, ...).

Attempting to compute gradients with respect to anything else will result in this exception.


Here is a minimal example of wrong code that will raise this exception.

from diffrax import BacksolveAdjoint, diffeqsolve, Euler, ODETerm
import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as jr

mlp = eqx.nn.MLP(1, 1, 8, 2, key=jr.PRNGKey(0))

def run(model):
  def f(t, y, args):  # `model` captured via closure; is not part of the `terms` PyTree.
    return model(y)
  sol = diffeqsolve(ODETerm(f), Euler(), 0, 1, 0.1, jnp.array([1.0]),
  return jnp.sum(sol.ys)



The corrected version of the previous example is as follows. In this case, the model is properly part of the PyTree structure of terms.

from diffrax import BacksolveAdjoint, diffeqsolve, Euler, ODETerm
import equinox as eqx
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as jr

mlp = eqx.nn.MLP(1, 1, 8, 2, key=jr.PRNGKey(0))

class VectorField(eqx.Module):
    model: eqx.Module

    def __call__(self, t, y, args):
        return self.model(y)

def run(model):
  f = VectorField(model)
  sol = diffeqsolve(ODETerm(f), Euler(), 0, 1, 0.1, jnp.array([1.0]), adjoint=BacksolveAdjoint())
  return jnp.sum(sol.ys)
