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Neural CDEยค

This example trains a Neural CDE (a "continuous time RNN") to distinguish clockwise from counter-clockwise spirals.

A neural CDE looks like

\(y(t) = y(0) + \int_0^t f_\theta(y(s)) \mathrm{d}x(s)\)

Where \(f_\theta\) is a neural network, and \(x\) is your data. The right hand side is a matrix-vector product between them. The integral is a Riemann--Stieltjes integral.


Provided the path \(x\) is differentiable then the Riemann--Stieltjes integral can be converted into a normal integral:

\(y(t) = y(0) + \int_0^t f_\theta(y(s)) \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}s}(s) \mathrm{d}s\)

and in this case you can actually solve the CDE as an ODE. Indeed this is what we do below.

Typically the path \(x\) is constructed as a continuous interpolation of your input data. This is an approach that often makes a lot of sense when dealing with irregular data, densely sampled data etc. (i.e. the things that an RNN or Transformer might not work so well on.)


    title={Neural Controlled Differential Equations for Irregular Time Series},
    author={Kidger, Patrick and Morrill, James and Foster, James and Lyons, Terry},
    booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
    publisher={Curran Associates, Inc.},

This example is available as a Jupyter notebook here.

import math
import time

import diffrax
import equinox as eqx  #
import jax
import jax.nn as jnn
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as jr
import jax.scipy as jsp
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import optax  #

matplotlib.rcParams.update({"font.size": 30})

First let's define the vector field for the CDE.

class Func(eqx.Module):
    mlp: eqx.nn.MLP
    data_size: int
    hidden_size: int

    def __init__(self, data_size, hidden_size, width_size, depth, *, key, **kwargs):
        self.data_size = data_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.mlp = eqx.nn.MLP(
            out_size=hidden_size * data_size,
            # Note the use of a tanh final activation function. This is important to
            # stop the model blowing up. (Just like how GRUs and LSTMs constrain the
            # rate of change of their hidden states.)

    def __call__(self, t, y, args):
        return self.mlp(y).reshape(self.hidden_size, self.data_size)

Now wrap up the whole CDE solve into a model.

In this case we cap the neural CDE with a linear layer and sigmoid, to perform binary classification.

class NeuralCDE(eqx.Module):
    initial: eqx.nn.MLP
    func: Func
    linear: eqx.nn.Linear

    def __init__(self, data_size, hidden_size, width_size, depth, *, key, **kwargs):
        ikey, fkey, lkey = jr.split(key, 3)
        self.initial = eqx.nn.MLP(data_size, hidden_size, width_size, depth, key=ikey)
        self.func = Func(data_size, hidden_size, width_size, depth, key=fkey)
        self.linear = eqx.nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1, key=lkey)

    def __call__(self, ts, coeffs, evolving_out=False):
        # Each sample of data consists of some timestamps `ts`, and some `coeffs`
        # parameterising a control path. These are used to produce a continuous-time
        # input path `control`.
        control = diffrax.CubicInterpolation(ts, coeffs)
        term = diffrax.ControlTerm(self.func, control).to_ode()
        solver = diffrax.Tsit5()
        dt0 = None
        y0 = self.initial(control.evaluate(ts[0]))
        if evolving_out:
            saveat = diffrax.SaveAt(ts=ts)
            saveat = diffrax.SaveAt(t1=True)
        solution = diffrax.diffeqsolve(
            stepsize_controller=diffrax.PIDController(rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6),
        if evolving_out:
            prediction = jax.vmap(lambda y: jnn.sigmoid(self.linear(y))[0])(solution.ys)
            (prediction,) = jnn.sigmoid(self.linear(solution.ys[-1]))
        return prediction

Toy dataset of spirals.

We interpolate the samples with Hermite cubic splines with backward differences, which were introduced in (And produces better results than the natural cubic splines used in the original neural CDE paper.)

Time is a channel

Note the inclusion of time as a channel of the data! This is a subtle point that is often accidentally missed. If you include it then the model has enough information so that in theory it's actually a universal approximator. If you forget it then the model probably won't work very well...

If a CDE ever isn't training very well, make sure to ask yourself "did I include time as a channel?"

def get_data(dataset_size, add_noise, *, key):
    theta_key, noise_key = jr.split(key, 2)
    length = 100
    theta = jr.uniform(theta_key, (dataset_size,), minval=0, maxval=2 * math.pi)
    y0 = jnp.stack([jnp.cos(theta), jnp.sin(theta)], axis=-1)
    ts = jnp.broadcast_to(jnp.linspace(0, 4 * math.pi, length), (dataset_size, length))
    matrix = jnp.array([[-0.3, 2], [-2, -0.3]])
    ys = jax.vmap(
        lambda y0i, ti: jax.vmap(lambda tij: jsp.linalg.expm(tij * matrix) @ y0i)(ti)
    )(y0, ts)
    ys = jnp.concatenate([ts[:, :, None], ys], axis=-1)  # time is a channel
    ys =[: dataset_size // 2, :, 1].multiply(-1)
    if add_noise:
        ys = ys + jr.normal(noise_key, ys.shape) * 0.1
    coeffs = jax.vmap(diffrax.backward_hermite_coefficients)(ts, ys)
    labels = jnp.zeros((dataset_size,))
    labels =[: dataset_size // 2].set(1.0)
    _, _, data_size = ys.shape
    return ts, coeffs, labels, data_size
def dataloader(arrays, batch_size, *, key):
    dataset_size = arrays[0].shape[0]
    assert all(array.shape[0] == dataset_size for array in arrays)
    indices = jnp.arange(dataset_size)
    while True:
        perm = jr.permutation(key, indices)
        (key,) = jr.split(key, 1)
        start = 0
        end = batch_size
        while end < dataset_size:
            batch_perm = perm[start:end]
            yield tuple(array[batch_perm] for array in arrays)
            start = end
            end = start + batch_size

The main entry point. Try running main() to train the neural CDE.

def main(
    key = jr.PRNGKey(seed)
    train_data_key, test_data_key, model_key, loader_key = jr.split(key, 4)

    ts, coeffs, labels, data_size = get_data(
        dataset_size, add_noise, key=train_data_key

    model = NeuralCDE(data_size, hidden_size, width_size, depth, key=model_key)

    # Training loop like normal.

    def loss(model, ti, label_i, coeff_i):
        pred = jax.vmap(model)(ti, coeff_i)
        # Binary cross-entropy
        bxe = label_i * jnp.log(pred) + (1 - label_i) * jnp.log(1 - pred)
        bxe = -jnp.mean(bxe)
        acc = jnp.mean((pred > 0.5) == (label_i == 1))
        return bxe, acc

    grad_loss = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(loss, has_aux=True)

    def make_step(model, data_i, opt_state):
        ti, label_i, *coeff_i = data_i
        (bxe, acc), grads = grad_loss(model, ti, label_i, coeff_i)
        updates, opt_state = optim.update(grads, opt_state)
        model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)
        return bxe, acc, model, opt_state

    optim = optax.adam(lr)
    opt_state = optim.init(eqx.filter(model, eqx.is_inexact_array))
    for step, data_i in zip(
        range(steps), dataloader((ts, labels) + coeffs, batch_size, key=loader_key)
        start = time.time()
        bxe, acc, model, opt_state = make_step(model, data_i, opt_state)
        end = time.time()
            f"Step: {step}, Loss: {bxe}, Accuracy: {acc}, Computation time: "
            f"{end - start}"

    ts, coeffs, labels, _ = get_data(dataset_size, add_noise, key=test_data_key)
    bxe, acc = loss(model, ts, labels, coeffs)
    print(f"Test loss: {bxe}, Test Accuracy: {acc}")

    # Plot results
    sample_ts = ts[-1]
    sample_coeffs = tuple(c[-1] for c in coeffs)
    pred = model(sample_ts, sample_coeffs, evolving_out=True)
    interp = diffrax.CubicInterpolation(sample_ts, sample_coeffs)
    values = jax.vmap(interp.evaluate)(sample_ts)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection="3d")
    ax1.plot(sample_ts, values[:, 1], c="dodgerblue")
    ax1.plot(sample_ts, values[:, 2], c="dodgerblue", label="Data")
    ax1.plot(sample_ts, pred, c="crimson", label="Classification")
    ax2.plot(values[:, 1], values[:, 2], c="dodgerblue", label="Data")
    ax2.plot(values[:, 1], values[:, 2], pred, c="crimson", label="Classification")
Step: 0, Loss: 2.5234897136688232, Accuracy: 0.5, Computation time: 27.177752256393433
Step: 1, Loss: 4.682699203491211, Accuracy: 0.5, Computation time: 0.5112535953521729
Step: 2, Loss: 1.9817578792572021, Accuracy: 0.46875, Computation time: 0.4303276538848877
Step: 3, Loss: 0.909335732460022, Accuracy: 0.375, Computation time: 0.42275118827819824
Step: 4, Loss: 0.5238552093505859, Accuracy: 0.96875, Computation time: 0.3412055969238281
Step: 5, Loss: 0.5987676382064819, Accuracy: 0.5625, Computation time: 0.4041574001312256
Step: 6, Loss: 0.5615957975387573, Accuracy: 0.5625, Computation time: 0.3387322425842285
Step: 7, Loss: 0.5031553506851196, Accuracy: 0.625, Computation time: 0.4076976776123047
Step: 8, Loss: 0.3657313883304596, Accuracy: 0.84375, Computation time: 0.35105156898498535
Step: 9, Loss: 0.34929466247558594, Accuracy: 0.9375, Computation time: 0.42032384872436523
Step: 10, Loss: 0.2539682686328888, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.3486146926879883
Step: 11, Loss: 0.2294737994670868, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.3518819808959961
Step: 12, Loss: 0.2001168429851532, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.4245719909667969
Step: 13, Loss: 0.18462520837783813, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.4051353931427002
Step: 14, Loss: 0.19849714636802673, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.4198932647705078
Step: 15, Loss: 0.21601906418800354, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.344160795211792
Step: 16, Loss: 0.1362144500017166, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.42815589904785156
Step: 17, Loss: 0.12172335386276245, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.3531978130340576
Step: 18, Loss: 0.13752871751785278, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.4119846820831299
Step: 19, Loss: 0.10557006299495697, Accuracy: 1.0, Computation time: 0.33621764183044434
Test loss: 0.1057077944278717, Test Accuracy: 1.0