Continuous Normalising Flowยค
This example is a bit of fun! It constructs a continuous normalising flow (CNF) to learn a distribution specified by a (greyscale) image. That is, the target distribution is over \(\mathbb{R}^2\), and the image specifies the (unnormalised) density at each point.
You can specify your own images, and learn your own flows.
Some example outputs from this script:
title={{FFJORD}: {F}ree-form {C}ontinuous {D}ynamics for {S}calable {R}eversible
{G}enerative {M}odels},
author={Grathwohl, Will and Chen, Ricky T. Q. and Bettencourt, Jesse and
Sutskever, Ilya and Duvenaud, David},
journal={International Conference on Learning Representations},
This example is available as a Jupyter notebook here.
This example will need a GPU to run efficiently.
Advanced example
This is a pretty advanced example.
import math
import os
import pathlib
import time
import diffrax
import equinox as eqx #
import imageio
import jax
import jax.lax as lax
import jax.nn as jnn
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random as jr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import optax #
import scipy.stats as stats
here = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd())
First let's define some vector fields. This is basically just an MLP, using tanh as the activation function and "ConcatSquash" instead of linear layers.
This is the vector field on the right hand side of the ODE.
class Func(eqx.Module):
layers: list[eqx.nn.Linear]
def __init__(self, *, data_size, width_size, depth, key, **kwargs):
keys = jr.split(key, depth + 1)
layers = []
if depth == 0:
ConcatSquash(in_size=data_size, out_size=data_size, key=keys[0])
ConcatSquash(in_size=data_size, out_size=width_size, key=keys[0])
for i in range(depth - 1):
in_size=width_size, out_size=width_size, key=keys[i + 1]
ConcatSquash(in_size=width_size, out_size=data_size, key=keys[-1])
self.layers = layers
def __call__(self, t, y, args):
t = jnp.asarray(t)[None]
for layer in self.layers[:-1]:
y = layer(t, y)
y = jnn.tanh(y)
y = self.layers[-1](t, y)
return y
# Credit: this layer, and some of the default hyperparameters below, are taken from the
# FFJORD repo.
class ConcatSquash(eqx.Module):
lin1: eqx.nn.Linear
lin2: eqx.nn.Linear
lin3: eqx.nn.Linear
def __init__(self, *, in_size, out_size, key, **kwargs):
key1, key2, key3 = jr.split(key, 3)
self.lin1 = eqx.nn.Linear(in_size, out_size, key=key1)
self.lin2 = eqx.nn.Linear(1, out_size, key=key2)
self.lin3 = eqx.nn.Linear(1, out_size, use_bias=False, key=key3)
def __call__(self, t, y):
return self.lin1(y) * jnn.sigmoid(self.lin2(t)) + self.lin3(t)
When training, we need to wrap our vector fields in something that also computes the change in log-density.
This can be done either approximately (using Hutchinson's trace estimator) or exactly (the divergence of the vector field; relatively computationally expensive).
def approx_logp_wrapper(t, y, args):
y, _ = y
*args, eps, func = args
fn = lambda y: func(t, y, args)
f, vjp_fn = jax.vjp(fn, y)
(eps_dfdy,) = vjp_fn(eps)
logp = jnp.sum(eps_dfdy * eps)
return f, logp
def exact_logp_wrapper(t, y, args):
y, _ = y
*args, _, func = args
fn = lambda y: func(t, y, args)
f, vjp_fn = jax.vjp(fn, y)
(size,) = y.shape # this implementation only works for 1D input
eye = jnp.eye(size)
(dfdy,) = jax.vmap(vjp_fn)(eye)
logp = jnp.trace(dfdy)
return f, logp
Wrap up the differential equation solve into a model.
def normal_log_likelihood(y):
return -0.5 * (y.size * math.log(2 * math.pi) + jnp.sum(y**2))
class CNF(eqx.Module):
funcs: list[Func]
data_size: int
exact_logp: bool
t0: float
t1: float
dt0: float
def __init__(
keys = jr.split(key, num_blocks)
self.funcs = [
for k in keys
self.data_size = data_size
self.exact_logp = exact_logp
self.t0 = 0.0
self.t1 = 0.5
self.dt0 = 0.05
# Runs backward-in-time to train the CNF.
def train(self, y, *, key):
if self.exact_logp:
term = diffrax.ODETerm(exact_logp_wrapper)
term = diffrax.ODETerm(approx_logp_wrapper)
solver = diffrax.Tsit5()
eps = jr.normal(key, y.shape)
delta_log_likelihood = 0.0
for func in reversed(self.funcs):
y = (y, delta_log_likelihood)
sol = diffrax.diffeqsolve(
term, solver, self.t1, self.t0, -self.dt0, y, (eps, func)
(y,), (delta_log_likelihood,) = sol.ys
return delta_log_likelihood + normal_log_likelihood(y)
# Runs forward-in-time to draw samples from the CNF.
def sample(self, *, key):
y = jr.normal(key, (self.data_size,))
for func in self.funcs:
term = diffrax.ODETerm(func)
solver = diffrax.Tsit5()
sol = diffrax.diffeqsolve(term, solver, self.t0, self.t1, self.dt0, y)
(y,) = sol.ys
return y
# To make illustrations, we have a variant sample method we can query to see the
# evolution of the samples during the forward solve.
def sample_flow(self, *, key):
t_so_far = self.t0
t_end = self.t0 + (self.t1 - self.t0) * len(self.funcs)
save_times = jnp.linspace(self.t0, t_end, 6)
y = jr.normal(key, (self.data_size,))
out = []
for i, func in enumerate(self.funcs):
if i == len(self.funcs) - 1:
save_ts = save_times[t_so_far <= save_times] - t_so_far
save_ts = (
(t_so_far <= save_times)
& (save_times < t_so_far + self.t1 - self.t0)
- t_so_far
t_so_far = t_so_far + self.t1 - self.t0
term = diffrax.ODETerm(func)
solver = diffrax.Tsit5()
saveat = diffrax.SaveAt(ts=save_ts)
sol = diffrax.diffeqsolve(
term, solver, self.t0, self.t1, self.dt0, y, saveat=saveat
y = sol.ys[-1]
out = jnp.concatenate(out)
assert len(out) == 6 # number of points we saved at
return out
Alright, that's the models done. Now let's get some data.
First we have a function for taking the specified input image, and turning it into data.
def get_data(path):
# integer array of shape (height, width, channels) with values in {0, ..., 255}
img = jnp.asarray(imageio.imread(path))
if img.shape[-1] == 4:
img = img[..., :-1] # ignore alpha channel
height, width, channels = img.shape
assert channels == 3
# Convert to greyscale for simplicity.
img = img @ jnp.array([0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140])
img = jnp.transpose(img)[:, ::-1] # (width, height)
x = jnp.arange(width, dtype=jnp.float32)
y = jnp.arange(height, dtype=jnp.float32)
x, y = jnp.broadcast_arrays(x[:, None], y[None, :])
weights = 1 - img.reshape(-1).astype(jnp.float32) / jnp.max(img)
dataset = jnp.stack(
[x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1)], axis=-1
) # shape (dataset_size, 2)
# For efficiency we don't bother with the particles that will have weight zero.
cond = img.reshape(-1) < 254
dataset = dataset[cond]
weights = weights[cond]
mean = jnp.mean(dataset, axis=0)
std = jnp.std(dataset, axis=0) + 1e-6
dataset = (dataset - mean) / std
return dataset, weights, mean, std, img, width, height
Now to load the data during training, we need a dataloader. In this case our dataset is small enough to fit in-memory, so we use a dataloader implementation that we can include within our overall JIT wrapper, for speed.
class DataLoader(eqx.Module):
arrays: tuple[jnp.ndarray, ...]
batch_size: int
key: jr.PRNGKey
def __check_init__(self):
dataset_size = self.arrays[0].shape[0]
assert all(array.shape[0] == dataset_size for array in self.arrays)
def __call__(self, step):
dataset_size = self.arrays[0].shape[0]
num_batches = dataset_size // self.batch_size
epoch = step // num_batches
key = jr.fold_in(self.key, epoch)
perm = jr.permutation(key, jnp.arange(dataset_size))
start = (step % num_batches) * self.batch_size
slice_size = self.batch_size
batch_indices = lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(perm, start, slice_size)
return tuple(array[batch_indices] for array in self.arrays)
Bring everything together. This function is our entry point.
def main(
if out_path is None:
out_path = here / pathlib.Path(in_path).name
out_path = pathlib.Path(out_path)
key = jr.PRNGKey(seed)
model_key, loader_key, loss_key, sample_key = jr.split(key, 4)
dataset, weights, mean, std, img, width, height = get_data(in_path)
dataset_size, data_size = dataset.shape
dataloader = DataLoader((dataset, weights), batch_size, key=loader_key)
model = CNF(
optim = optax.adamw(lr, weight_decay=weight_decay)
opt_state = optim.init(eqx.filter(model, eqx.is_inexact_array))
def loss(model, data, weight, loss_key):
batch_size, _ = data.shape
noise_key, train_key = jr.split(loss_key, 2)
train_key = jr.split(key, batch_size)
data = data + jr.normal(noise_key, data.shape) * 0.5 / std
log_likelihood = jax.vmap(model.train)(data, key=train_key)
return -jnp.mean(weight * log_likelihood) # minimise negative log-likelihood
def make_step(model, opt_state, step, loss_key):
# We only need gradients with respect to floating point JAX arrays, not any
# other part of our model. (e.g. the `exact_logp` flag. What would it even mean
# to differentiate that? Note that `eqx.filter_value_and_grad` does the same
# filtering by `eqx.is_inexact_array` by default.)
value = 0
grads = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
lambda leaf: jnp.zeros_like(leaf) if eqx.is_inexact_array(leaf) else None,
# Get more accurate gradients by accumulating gradients over multiple batches.
# (Or equivalently, get lower memory requirements by splitting up a batch over
# multiple steps.)
def make_virtual_step(_, state):
value, grads, step, loss_key = state
data, weight = dataloader(step)
value_, grads_ = loss(model, data, weight, loss_key)
value = value + value_
grads = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda a, b: a + b, grads, grads_)
step = step + 1
loss_key = jr.split(loss_key, 1)[0]
return value, grads, step, loss_key
value, grads, step, loss_key = lax.fori_loop(
0, virtual_batches, make_virtual_step, (value, grads, step, loss_key)
value = value / virtual_batches
grads = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda a: a / virtual_batches, grads)
updates, opt_state = optim.update(
grads, opt_state, eqx.filter(model, eqx.is_inexact_array)
model = eqx.apply_updates(model, updates)
return value, model, opt_state, step, loss_key
step = 0
while step < steps:
start = time.time()
value, model, opt_state, step, loss_key = make_step(
model, opt_state, step, loss_key
end = time.time()
if (step % print_every) == 0 or step == steps - 1:
print(f"Step: {step}, Loss: {value}, Computation time: {end - start}")
num_samples = 5000
sample_key = jr.split(sample_key, num_samples)
samples = jax.vmap(model.sample)(key=sample_key)
sample_flows = jax.vmap(model.sample_flow, out_axes=-1)(key=sample_key)
fig, (*axs, ax, axtrue) = plt.subplots(
2 + len(sample_flows),
figsize=((2 + len(sample_flows)) * 10 * height / width, 10),
samples = samples * std + mean
x = samples[:, 0]
y = samples[:, 1]
ax.scatter(x, y, c="black", s=2)
ax.set_xlim(-0.5, width - 0.5)
ax.set_ylim(-0.5, height - 0.5)
ax.set_aspect(height / width)
axtrue.imshow(img.T, origin="lower", cmap="gray")
axtrue.set_aspect(height / width)
x_resolution = 100
y_resolution = int(x_resolution * (height / width))
sample_flows = sample_flows * std[:, None] + mean[:, None]
x_pos, y_pos = jnp.broadcast_arrays(
jnp.linspace(-1, width + 1, x_resolution)[:, None],
jnp.linspace(-1, height + 1, y_resolution)[None, :],
positions = jnp.stack([jnp.ravel(x_pos), jnp.ravel(y_pos)])
densities = [stats.gaussian_kde(samples)(positions) for samples in sample_flows]
for i, (ax, density) in enumerate(zip(axs, densities)):
density = jnp.reshape(density, (x_resolution, y_resolution))
ax.imshow(density.T, origin="lower", cmap="plasma")
ax.set_aspect(height / width)
And now the following commands will reproduce the images displayed at the start.
main(in_path="../imgs/butterfly.png", num_blocks=3)
main(in_path="../imgs/target.png", width_size=128)
Let's run the first one of those as a demonstration.