Many objects that arise when solving differential equations are paths. That is to say, they are some piecewise continuous function \(f : [t_0, t_1] \to \mathbb{R}^d\).
Diffrax represents this general notion via the diffrax.AbstractPath
class. For example, Brownian motion is a subclass of this. So are the interpolations used to drive neural controlled differential equations.
If you need to create your own path (e.g. to drive a CDE) then you can do so by subclassing diffrax.AbstractPath
Abstract base class for all paths.
Every path has a start point t0
and an end point t1
. In between these values
it is possible to evaluate
the path, or (if it is differentiable, e.g. not
Brownian motion) calculate its derivative
class QuadraticPath(AbstractPath):
def t0(self):
return 0
def t1(self):
return 3
def evaluate(self, t0, t1=None, left=True):
del left
if t1 is not None:
return self.evaluate(t1) - self.evaluate(t0)
return t0 ** 2
evaluate(self, t0: Real[ArrayLike, ''], t1: Optional[Real[ArrayLike, '']] = None, left: bool = True) -> ~_Control
Evaluate the path at any point in the interval \([t_0, t_1]\).
: Any point in \([t_0, t_1]\) to evaluate the path at.t1
: If passed, then the increment fromt1
is evaluated instead.left
: Across jump points: whether to treat the path as left-continuous or right-continuous.
Note that we use \(t_0\) and \(t_1\) to refer to the overall interval, as
obtained via instance.t0
and instance.t1
. We use t0
and t1
to refer
to some subinterval of \([t_0, t_1]\). This is an API that is used for
consistency with the rest of the package, and just happens to be a little
confusing here.
If t1
is not passed:
The value of the path at t0
If t1
is passed:
The increment of the path between t0
and t1
derivative(self, t: Real[ArrayLike, ''], left: bool = True) -> ~_Control
Evaluate the derivative of the path. Essentially equivalent
to jax.jvp(self.evaluate, (t,), (jnp.ones_like(t),))
(and indeed this is its
default implementation if no other is specified).
: Any point in \([t_0, t_1]\) to evaluate the derivative at.left
: Whether to obtain the left-derivative or right-derivative at that point.
The derivative of the path.